Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 1

I woke up this morning barely able to get out of bed. Being so insistent upon pulling the truck on the trailer by myself, my back is definitely screaming at me. I took a cocktail of Multrin & Tynol and washed it down with a cup of coffee. Headed for Discovery Garage for restoration day one. When I got there I opened the garage, secretly praying that someone had stolen the truck! The sight of that jalopy in the morning left me thinking "what have I gotten myself into?" Marlene showed up with something nice and a much needed iced coffee. After using several of the sand papers I had, nothing seemed to be working as well as it did on the tiny corner we had tested last night. A tiny corner is all fine and good, now I had to figure out how the do the whole damn truck! We ran to Home Depot for more supplies. Plan A - fail. Plan B - fail. Plan C - Home Depot. Plan D - paint stripper = success! Applied that stuff three times - one for each layer of blue, green & red paint. Worked like a charm, but still left me with quite a bit of sanding in the end. My fingertips are raw and my hands are tinted a lovely shade of filth. Should be very appealing to my patients tomorrow when I have to go back to work as Nurse Kimmie. I must say that I impressed myself with a completely stripped driver's side door, down to the bare metal and spit shined! I drove home with all three colors of paint on my clothes and skin. After a long hot shower, shave & filed nails, I feel almost like a girl again. Time for the truck & me to rest for the week. Back on Friday for day two!

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